A veteran keynote speaker with 20 years of experience, Michael Angelo Caruso is an exciting addition to any conference, annual event or industry trade show.
Michael has a relaxed, conversational style of speaking that’s both entertaining and educational.
He speaks “in the round” to involve the audience unlike any other speaker on the circuit. It’s fascinating to watch Michael do his “stand-up comedian magic!”
His performance is often the highlight of any given event.
Look at topics below to see why companies like Verizon Wireless, Time-Warner Cable, Iowa State Bank, Nissan and Dominos have all had Michael speak to their teams.

Michael delivering a keynote in Jamaica.
Selling Through Conversation
Product and service knowledge are important, but good things happen when salespeople truly understand the psychology of selling. This keynote covers everything from what to do in the first six minutes of a sales presentation to how to double your referrals using one simple question. Michael's sales coaching clients say, “These strategies get results within 30 days."
Engage Anyone in 15 Seconds
This entertaining keynote speech has delighted audiences on five continents. Engage Anyone in 15 Seconds was Michael Angelo Caruso’s most requested keynote last year. Michael transforms this presentation into a lively stage show combining satire, comedy, storytelling and a surprisingly large cast of players—including the people in your audience.
Present Like a Pro
There’s a direct relationship between success and the ability to deliver effective presentations. This keynote is perfect for salespeople, customer service reps and leaders of all stripes. Michael will give you more presentation strategies in one hour than most people get in a year. Attendees will learn speaking techniques that stick and as learn as Bob Seger sings, “What to leave in, what to leave out.”
Getting People to Do Stuff
This popular keynote covers the best ways for leaders to motivate and communicate with team members. Michael has a hysterical comedy routine on how to motivate the four main personality types. You’ll learn innovative, effective techniques for confidence, a great way to offer criticism and how to handle negativity.
The Amazing Power of Story
Storytelling is one of life’s most useful skills. Smart leaders use stories to motivate team members and inspire high performance. Savvy salespeople tell stories to convert prospects into customers. This fascinating keynote will change the way attendees will talk about products, services, brands--and even themselves. Nothing is more engaging than the power of storytelling.
Secrets of Pro-Active Relationships
We communicate with all types of people, so it’s important to customize how we talk and more importantly–how we listen. Learn how to send email that gets opened and how to improve your communication with your internal team, partners and vendors. This lively keynote feels like a fun and fast-paced stand-up comedy routine.
Click here to check on Michael's availability to speak at your event! Please be ready to share details such as your event date and speaker budget.